ISP Optics 硒化鋅非球面透鏡

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  • 專為 1-12µm 之間的小光斑設計
  • 涵蓋 1-12µm 的近紅外到長波紅外的BBAR鍍膜
  • 低吸收和低色散

ISP Optics Zinc Selenide (ZnSe) Aspheric Lenses are designed to provide small spot sizes across the entire wavelength range of 1 - 12µm. The zinc selenide (ZnSe) substrates provide low absorption and dispersion, as well as transmission from the visible to infrared spectra, allowing for the use of visible guide lasers. A broadband anti-reflection coating increases the transmission of these lenses across the entire 1 - 12µm, providing broadband performance for both infrared imaging applications and applications using multiple infrared laser lines. ISP Optics Zinc Selenide (ZnSe) Aspheric Lenses are ideal for use as scanning lenses in optical coherence tomography imaging (OCT) imaging systems, or as focusing lenses with fiber, CO2, or MWIR laser sources.

Note: Special care should be taken when handling Zinc Selenide as it is a toxic material. Always wear rubber or plastic gloves to avoid risk of contamination.

ISP Optics 硒化鋅(ZnSe)非球面透鏡的設計旨在 1-12µm 的整個波長範圍內提供小光斑尺寸。硒化鋅(ZnSe)基材具有低吸收和低色散,以及從可見光到紅外光譜的穿透性,可使用可見光引導雷射器。廣波段抗反射鍍膜增加了這些透鏡在整個 1-12µm 範圍內的穿透性,為紅外成像應用和使用多條紅外雷射線的應用提供了廣波段性能。ISP Optics 的硒化鋅(ZnSe)非球面透鏡是作為光學相干斷層掃描(OCT)系統的掃描透鏡或作為光纖、CO2或中波紅外雷射源的聚焦透鏡來使用的理想選擇。

請注意: 硒化鋅(ZnSe)是有毒物質,處理時應特別小心。必須一直戴著橡膠或塑膠手套以避免污染的風險。

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