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Laser Polarization | 雷射偏光片



Mini Free-Space Optical Isolators Mini Free-Space Optical Isolators New
  • Small, <1cm³, Form Factor
  • Greater than 70% Minimum Transmission and >30dB Minimum Isolation
  • Input Apertures as Low as 1.60mm
菲涅爾菱形延遲片 菲涅爾菱形延遲片
TECHSPEC® components are designed, specified, or manufactured by Edmund Optics. TECHSPEC®組件由愛特蒙特光學設計、指定或製造。進一步瞭解
  • 寬帶性能
  • 提供 12.7mm 及 25.4mm 選項
  • 可選λ/4和λ/2延遲
消色差波片 (相位延遲片) 消色差波片 (相位延遲片)
  • 提供多個範圍
  • 在每個廣泛的光譜範圍內具有平直回應
  • 具有λ/4與λ/2的相位差
brewster 窗鏡 brewster 窗鏡
TECHSPEC® components are designed, specified, or manufactured by Edmund Optics. TECHSPEC®組件由愛特蒙特光學設計、指定或製造。進一步瞭解
  • 減少P偏振光的損失
  • 方向為55.57° 時呈現圓形
  • 非常適用於雷射腔
自由空間光隔離器 自由空間光隔離器 New
  • 高達67隔離度,穩定性極佳
  • 最大功率下損耗很小
  • 4.7mm 輸入孔徑
Glan類型偏振鏡 Glan類型偏振鏡
  • 高消光比
  • 高損傷閾值,在 1064nm 可達 5 J/cm2
薄膜雷射光偏振器 薄膜雷射光偏振器
TECHSPEC® components are designed, specified, or manufactured by Edmund Optics. TECHSPEC®組件由愛特蒙特光學設計、指定或製造。進一步瞭解
  • 具有很高的消光比 (10,000:1)
  • 45°入射角
  • 可供多個雷射波長使用
紅外線 (IR) 金屬線柵偏光片 紅外線 (IR) 金屬線柵偏光片
  • 專為2 -30μm的波長範圍而設計
  • 提供多種基材的全像偏光片供選擇
  • 使用 公制偏振鏡支架 進行360° 旋轉
Lyot消偏振鏡 Lyot消偏振鏡
  • 使偏振光變為非偏振光
  • 適用於多色光
  • 波長範圍達到紫外至紅外波段
精密零階波片 (相位延遲片) 精密零階波片 (相位延遲片)
  • 具有λ/4 與 λ/2的相位差
  • 具有出眾的視場角
  • 採用雙折射聚合物堆疊
石英波片 (相位延遲片) 石英波片 (相位延遲片)
 徑向偏振轉換器 徑向偏振轉換器
  • 可將線性偏振轉化為徑向偏振或方位角偏振
  • 可用於建立渦旋或環形光束
  • 高損傷閾值
Rochon 偏光鏡 Rochon 偏光鏡
  • 提供多種偏光材料
  • 普通光線可無偏差通過
  • 特殊光線會發生偏離
  • 另有 Wollaston 偏光鏡 可供選擇
 Wollaston 偏光鏡 Wollaston 偏光鏡
  • 提供多種偏光材料
  • 提供紫外線至紅外線的使用範圍
  • 普通光線與特殊光線之間有大角度偏移
  • 另有 Rochon偏光鏡 可供選擇

Laser Optics

Laser Polarization components are utilized for various polarization needs. Laser Polarizers are used to isolate specific polarizations of light or to convert unpolarized light to polarized light in a variety of laser applications. Laser Polarizers use a range of substrates, coatings, or a combination of the two to transmit a specific single polarization state. Laser Polarization components are used to modulate and control polarization in many applications including simple intensity control, chemical analysis, and optical isolation.

Edmund Optics offers a wide range of Laser Polarization components including Glan-Laser Polarizers, Glan-Thompson Polarizers, and Glan-Taylor Polarizers, and Waveplate Retarders. Specialized polarizers are also available, including Wollaston Polarizers and Fresnel Rhomb Retarders. Edmund Optics additionally offers several varieties of Depolarizers to convert polarized light into random light.



Why does the polarization of a laser matter?

Polarization refers to the direction with which the electric field of light waves oscillate, which is perpendicular to the direction of propagation. Light waves can be linearly, circularly, elliptically, or randomly polarized. For more information about polarization read Introduction to Polarization.

Laser sources may be polarized due to anisotropy (a material property that is different in different directions) in the laser gain material, directionally dependent polarization losses in the laser resonator, or the use of birefringent optical materials. Some laser sources are unpolarized (e.g. fiber lasers). The polarization state of a laser can also be used to reduce unwanted and potentially dangerous reflection from high-power sources as some materials reflect or absorb light in certain polarizations states over others.

Many laser applications including some interferometry, optical amplification and modulation, nonlinear frequency conversion, and incoherent and coherent polarization beam combining (polarization coupling), depend on the state of polarization in order to function.

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