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Fresnel Lenses | 菲涅爾透鏡

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菲涅耳透鏡 菲涅耳透鏡
  • 正焦距
  • 方形及矩形選項
  • 適用於聚光應用
紅外線菲涅耳透鏡 紅外線菲涅耳透鏡
  • 出眾的聚光裝置,適用於紅外線偵測器
  • 在8至14μm範圍內的吸收損失最小
錐形溝槽平凹 (PCV) 菲涅耳透鏡 錐形溝槽平凹 (PCV) 菲涅耳透鏡
  • 負焦距
  • 壓克力基材
  • 方形及矩形選項
非球面輪廓菲涅耳透鏡 非球面輪廓菲涅耳透鏡
  • 薄型平面透鏡,適合對焦應用
  • 大型尺寸提供最大採光效果
  • 非球面溝槽輪廓提升效能
柱面菲涅耳透鏡 柱面菲涅耳透鏡
  • 標準柱面透鏡的折疊版本
  • 適合用於對焦單一方向
  • 供應各種尺寸
Lenticular Arrays	柱面透鏡陣列
  • 一系列傳統柱面透鏡
  • 作為高效率散光器
  • 透鏡陣列非常適用於短工作距離內的高效擴散器、投影螢幕和立體( 3D )攝影。

Fresnel Lenses are used in many light collection applications, such as condenser systems or emitter/detector setups. Fresnel Lenses are optical lenses consisting of a series of concentric grooves etched into a plastic substrate. Each groove acts as an individual refracting surface, while the thin substrate minimizes the amount of light lost due to absorption. High groove density increases image quality, while low groove density increases the overall efficiency. Fresnel Lenses are typically not used as magnifier or projection lenses due to high levels of distortion.

Edmund Optics offers a variety of Fresnel Lenses designed for visible or infrared applications. For maximum performance, the grooved side of a Fresnel Lens should face the longer conjugate. For example, when used with detectors, the grooved side should face away from the detector. Contoured lenses are available to improve focusing performance or spot size. Cylinder Fresnel Lenses are also available to focus in only a single dimension.

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