To connect light guides to the in-line ports the best method is to use C-mount adapter #53-047 as the inline port has a C-mount thread. You can then choose an appropriate SX adapter to go inside.
7倍與12.5倍高精密度變倍鏡頭是模組化鏡頭系統,由相機接口、相機鏡筒、核心模組、更低的功能模組與更低的透鏡構成。交換模組可以變更放大倍率、視場或光路,從而具有更優的多用性。7倍與12.5倍高精密度變倍透鏡相容於M26 x 36 TPI Mitutoyo樣式的物鏡,以及從C接口到F接口再到35mm DSLR相機的相機傳感器涵蓋範圍與接口。我們提供50/50與90° 鏡筒以引入直角轉彎或支援多條成像路徑。此外,我們還提供多軸變焦與對焦功能的電機控制器,可將其連接至USB、乙太網路或RS-232/422/285連接埠。
A complete zoom lens requires a camera mount, camera tube, zoom module, lower function module, and lower lens. An item selection guide can be found on the Technical Information tab.
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