
TECHSPEC® 螢光帶通濾光片


TECHSPEC® 螢光帶通濾光片與螢光成像應用中的常見螢光應用完美匹配。激發濾光片和發射濾光片具有>93%的穿透率和>OD 6的波段外攔截。這些濾光片也是光譜學和臨床化學應用以及生物技術儀器(如:DNA定序儀和聚合酶連鎖反應(PCR)測試平臺)的理想組件。每個濾光片使用加硬濺鍍技術製成,安裝在一個黑色的陽極處理環中。

關於每個激發或發射濾光片適用螢光波段應用的完整清單,請查看技術文章《 螢光顯微鏡的螢光和光學濾光片》。

All mounted TECHSPEC® Optical Filters have an arrow on the side of the mount that points to the filter-coated surface for quick reference. Filter oriented such that arrow points to filter coated surface S1. Anti-reflective (AR) coating is applied to S2.
All mounted TECHSPEC® Optical Filters have an arrow on the side of the mount that points to the filter-coated surface for quick reference. Filter oriented such that arrow points to filter coated surface S1. Anti-reflective (AR) coating is applied to S2.
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