硒化鋅紅外線 (IR) 非球面透鏡

  • ZnSe 基材
  • 繞射極限設計

硒化鋅非球面透鏡可提供繞射極限的聚焦效能。這些透鏡非常適合聚焦CO2雷射的輸出,無鍍膜,或具備廣波段反射鍍膜以便在8 - 12μm範圍內提供出眾的穿透率。如需自訂大小或組態,請聯絡我們的銷售部門。我們在收到客戶要求後將提供產品光學設計檔案。

For custom sizes or configurations, please contact our Applications Engineering Department.

Prescription information available upon request. Please complete a Request for Prescription Form.

Note: Special care should be taken when handling Zinc Selenide as it is a toxic material. Always wear rubber or plastic gloves to avoid risk of contamination.

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