Low Cost Alternative to Silicon, ZnSe, and Germanium Lenses
Suitable for Applications in the 1650 – 2500nm Wavelength Range
Various Coating Options: Uncoated, MgF2, VIS 0°, VIS-NIR, NIR I, NIR II, VIS-EXT, and YAG-BBAR

- 預先安裝於刻字 C 接環外罩的 PCX 透鏡
- 簡化光學系統的整合
- 採用抗反射鍍膜,在 400 - 700nm 之中每表面的反射率小於 1.75%
- 亦提供非轉接版本

- 簡單透鏡套件組包括PCX、DCX、PCV及DCV透鏡
- 套件組備有12.5mm與25mm直徑透鏡可供選擇
- 提供無鍍膜及含BBAR鍍膜的選項
- 注意:有可能更改包装

- Feature Standard Designs and Specifications
- Also Available with MgF2 Coating
- For More Options, View Precision Quality Plano-Convex (PCX) Lenses
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