
High Power Laser Beam Visualizers

  • 可偵測紫外線至近紅外線的雷射光束
  • 具備高損傷閾值,適合 CW 及脈衝雷射
  • 適合雷射對準應用使用

高功率雷射光束調光片可用於偵測紫外線 (UV) 至紅外線 (IR) 的雷射光。這類光束調光片具有用於偵測光束的圓形光敏區域,安裝至鋁桿以便輕鬆操控。其中在 10ns 可達到一般的損傷閾值 1 J/cm2 ,甚至連高功率雷射光源都可偵測。高功率雷射光束調光片供應兩種版本,一種用於偵測 880 至 1070nm 的雷射光,另一種用於偵測 190 至 1090nm 及 1470 至 1600nm 的雷射光。近紅外線調光片具有綠色發射,而紫外線至可見光及紅外線調光片則具有紅色發射。

Special Handling Instructions Include:

  • Do not open box and sealed package until the contents are at the room temperature to prevent moisture condensation.
  • Unpack, inspect and use item in room with controlled atmosphere with relative humidity (RH) of <60%
  • Please use powder-free gloves for handling optically relevant surface and please avoid any direct contacting with any other material, water, grease etc.
  • Operating and storage temperature: +15℃ ~ to 35℃
  • Operating and storage humidity (RH): 5% to 60% - please store UV-NIR laser beam visualizers in desiccators or in a container with a minimum gas volume.
  • Product lifetime: 12 months
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