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Coherent® Lasercam™ 1098403 | Fixed Attenuator Module

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Stock #59-202 5-7 Days
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Physical & Mechanical Properties

Active Area Diameter (mm):

Optical Properties

Maximum Incident Energy Density (mJ/cm2):
Wavelength Range (nm):
380 - 2200
Min. to Max. Attenuation:
50:1 to 10:1

Regulatory Compliance

RoHS 2015:
Reach 224:
Certificate of Conformance:

Product Details

#59-202 provides a nominal attenuation of 20:1 for randomly polarized light and is rated for up to 20W/cm2 or 2J/cm2 at 632.8nm.

  • 12 and 14-bit Digital USB 2.0 Interface Options
  • 具有高敏感度與動態範圍
  • 包含直觀的 BeamView™ 軟體

The Coherent® Lasercam™ Beam Profiler features excellent signal-to-noise ratio and linear response for accurate pulsed as well as CW laser beam dimension and uniformity measurements. The new BeamView™ 4.4 interface software features TCP/IP control and NI LabVIEW™ library suite, enabling efficient and smooth integration of beam profiling into any application. Examples of analysis functions that can be performed on the acquired beam images include: beam centroid location, beam peak intensity position, pointing stability, total relative power/energy in beam, peak power/energy density of beam, beam divergence, ellipticity, beam intensity uniformity, Gaussian fit, beam diameter/width based on second moments or user selectable percentage of peak/total energy.

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